Saturday, March 3, 2007

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

As of March 1st, I am no longer the Cheerleading Sponsor/Coach!!! I know it will hit some of the girls harder than others. There were a (select) few that honestly cared. I am grateful for the memories that were made and the relationships that were created. I am not crying because it's over, I am smiling because of those good memories. I did feel a sense of relief after telling my principal about my decision and a Cheerleader Tosssmall weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I know in my heart that I have done what is best for me!!! Teaching and activities after school leave little time for ME and (hopefully) that will change as a result of giving up my cheerleading duties. I know me and I will probably find other activities to fill my time.

I have been battling heartburn and other assorted ailments for quite some time. Anything and everything gives me heartburn. I am going to the doctor on Monday for a physical. I want everything checked!
(From my head to my toes!) My thyroid hasn't been checked since I began treatment in November. Weight-wise, I have changed (adding some poundage) and that tends to affect the ol' thyroid. I have gone from having an underactive thyroid to an overactive one, to who knows what it is now. I am interested to find out all my levels, etc. I love my doctor (Dr. McMichael) Dr. McMikey as Anne calls him. He treats me wonderfully, never making me feel crazy or inferior because of this stupid ED that I am dealing with every day, hour, minute, and second.

The highlight of my week was Tuesday. My best friend, Yvette, her husband, Bill, aka "Doug", and son, Adam, went to my nephew Isaiah's basketball game. We all (yes that includes the entire Stratman clan) ended up going to Mr. Gatti's for dinner afterwards. We had a blast, laughing, joking, and being us....... goofy. There is a Pill for that,but there could be side effects. Good times, Good times!!!!!

Before resigning from the CheerDrama(On Thursday), I read to our Kindergarteners for Dr. Seuss' Birthday. I completely understand why I teach Middle School and not the little people. I was bombarded with "Hey, you know what?" and "Hey, I know you.", from the minute I walked in. ("Hey" is how they start every sentence.) One thing I learned from the littles was how to pick my nose without anyone noticing. *****(Simply sit criss-cross-applesauce, place hands together around mouth, rest elbows on knees, take a random finger, slide it into the nostril of choice, get what you need, and move the "prize" to your mouth.) What a learning experience!!!!!