Sunday, February 25, 2007

What if "the Hokey Pokey" is REALLY what it's all about?

Sneakers I was very blessed to be able to spend a much needed day with my best friend, Yvette, yesterday. It was the last weekend of the month at Goodwill (everything is half price), and we scored some great clothes. I only spent $22 and got many items. (mostly shirts)
We have decided that we are going to be selfish about our Goodwill Saturdays.............. that is OUR time to catch up and see how each other is really doing. (We are already looking forward to our March trip.) She brought a box, we both contributed topics written on slips of paper, put them in the box, then took turns throughout the day drawing one out. It goes to show how much she and I are alike b/c we had 3 that were the same topic!!!! (As she says, It's a "God-thing") I feel so fortunate that we were able to spend that time together and share the burden of our worries. We bring perspective to issues, validate one another's feelings, and simply cry like there is no tomorrow. True friendship is such an awesome feeling!
I have been going through a bit of "soul searching" lately, for about a month. I feel that I have lost sight of ME. I jumped straight into the "sea of school" in January, with a life jacket that seems to be losing air. I didn't sit on the beach and dabble my toes, I dove straight in!!!! It has affected me in not- so- great ways. BUT, thanks to my therapist (and Yvette), I am realizing that things need to change. I have been able to see why I have been feeling the way I do. For those of you who know my story, I am okay! I have recognized what is going on and am attempting to trudge on in my life, ONE DAY AT A TIME!!! I have decisions to make and have been praying about making the right ones. My dilemmas involve career and all that it involves. I will not make any decisions in haste. I don't want to have regrets later in life. I will know in my heart what is best for ME, when the time is right! When I make those decisions, I will let you know.
Love and hugs to all............