Saturday, February 17, 2007

Singles Awareness Week

Blings Well, I have survived yet another Valentine's Day and lived to talk (or whine) about it. I realize that this commercial-based day is just that.......... another day. It is a day not only for those "in love", but for telling those around us how much they mean to us. For that I am grateful. I did receive a few gifts.

  • I was given a mini-rose plant on Monday from 3 sweet girls at school. I just hope I don't kill the plant too soon. I am horticulturally challenged!!!!
  • I was given a snow day for Weds. and Thurs. (yeah rah)
  • When we went back to school on Friday, I was given assorted chocolate treats (you know, migranes waiting to happen) from various students.
  • My sister, Anne, sang a lovely tune on my voice mail. (To the tune of "You are my Sunshine" ......... You are my Valentine, my lovely Valentine.......) You know you are singing along and will have the tune stuck in your head for the rest of the day!!
  • My sister, Kathy, met me Thurs. and bought me a much needed manicure (My cuticles are still thanking her!) and then went to Walmart with me. I enjoyed spending that time with her. We had a ball in the Wally world, especially trying to find the make-up section, which is temporarily in the candy section due to a renovation of the store. Good times......
  • My cheerleaders wrote me a poem and gave me a rose. It was sweet and I so needed it.
  • My best friend, Yvette, gave me a card and miniature migraines wrapped in foil. We got the chance to spend some together when we went to school to get our paychecks. Her husband, Bill , aka Doug, gave me a bag of conversation migraines. He is so thoughtful.
  • My friend, Tammy H, gave me some bath thingys from Avon that are stinkin cute. They are in a heart shaped pink container and stink (a good stink). They so match the Disney Princess Kleenex's that Kathy got me.

On Thursday, I had my ED support group at the nutritionist's office. I think we all needed the support that night. Everyone had something they were struggling with and feels better when we can get and give advice/support to each other, because we know how the others feel. In a sense, it validates our feelings. I felt better after leaving there. I did have to get home b/c unfortunately we had school on Friday and Yes.... I had stinkin bus duty!! There was a late bus for the afternoon, just my luck! The other bus was supposed to be there at 4:30 and did not arrive until 4:50!!! I was there with 8 juvenile detention candidates! They were awful and potty mouthed. I wanted to simply wipe the attitude right off of them, if you know what I mean.

The bright spot in my day was my cheerleaders (5 that are still getting along) coming over last nite for Mexican and going through some clothes from my friend, Beth. They had a great time going through everything and debating who would get what and who could borrow what they had. It was like being at a swap meet. They make me laugh and it was fun for me too, just to have them here. We took a few pictures so hopefully I will have them sent to me soon and then I can put them on here.

Cassie (the prom dress girl) got her drivers license yesterday. Of course she had to call me and let me know. I know she is very glad and it will make some things much easier on her and her dad. I hope he doesn't expect her to do more than she can handle. She was in my room every chance she could get this week, having me show different people her prom dress. She is so proud and so excited. She doesn't have date yet, so we are working on that.

It is official................................. Basketball season is OVER!!!!!!! Our boys lost their first round game on Thurs. , the girls won. The girls played tonite and lost. Now I get a break!!!! I am not sure if I want to do the cheerleading thing anymore. I may do it one more year. I am not going to make any decisions right now, but am praying and thinking about the pro's and con's of it. I did have 2 girls quit just this week. I did not stop them. I was (and am) over the drama.

I Hope everyone has a great week and thank you always for checking on me.




Anne said...

“If ever there is a tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.”

-winnie the pooh