Sunday, January 7, 2007

But Wait!!

I made a mistake by sleeping in yesterday, until 10:30!! That is very late for me. So it was midnight before I fell asleep last night. I then managed to wake up at 4 this morning and have been up since. Do you know what is on television at 4 in the morning? Yes, paid programming......... I will demonstrate what I have learned.......

"If you act now we will give you the lighted micro-touch, not for 29.99, but for 14.99!! BUT WAIT, if you act now, we will also throw in the lighted tweezers. All for 14.99! BUT WAIT, that's not all. We will also give you a lighted compact mirror. Yes, you get the lighted micro-touch, the lighted tweezers, and lighted compact mirror, a 60 dollar value, not for 30 dollars, but yes, 14.99 plus shipping and handling. Hurry, our operators are standing by to take your order."

Does any of that sound familiar? Does it amaze or aggravate you? Do you find yourself wanting to call and place your order? I myself am guilty of being the proud owner of the "Bun and Thigh Roller", which fits nicely in my coat closet.

Let me know some of your stories. I would love to hear them.


Anne said...

You have no idea how many times I have wanted to order Bare Minerals make up and the Magic Bullet. Also, I am the proud owner of a Perfect Pancake (FYI: all it does is fling your batter across the kitchen when you go to flip it).

Happy Tweezing,

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about NADS--for that smooth to the touch skin we all want--OUCH!!! By the way, Can I borrow your bun & thigh Roller??