Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I am officially on the countdown to Christmas Break. I cannot wait to spend all that time with Hunter!!! Although I don't cry anymore when I drop him off, I still miss him sooooo much while we are apart. He makes my heart melt. He has this addictive smile and now laughs when you tickle his pits and thighs. He also "talks" and can tell stories for hours......... okay, minutes. He has so many people that love him and smother him with kisses and hugs on a daily basis.

This past Saturday, we went to watch Olivia and Chloe in the Halls Parade. They are in Girl Scouts (Daisies) this year. (side note: Hunter went to stay with his Aunt Bette and Uncle Doug for the evening. It was too cold for him to go out to the parade.)

They meet the Tuesdays that Jerry has them. He has informed me that he is the only Dad there. Someone at school told me that Dad's are called "Doo-Dads".
Back to my story............. we met the girls with their mom to give them their vests then were on our way to watch for them to come down the street. It wasn't our weekend to have them, so as soon as they passed and waved and Olivia threw candy at us, we left to come home.
We made it about 20 minutes down the road when we recieved a call from their mom that Chloe was wanting to see Jerry and come home with us. We pulled off the interstate and waited for them. We brought them home for the rest of the weekend here. Of course, they smothered Hunter with so much love this weekend. They are enjoying making him smile and laugh. They are such good big sisters.

They were exhausted from the parade and couldn't keep their eyes open on the way home.

Sunday I was invited to a wedding shower for one of my former students. I think Hunter was the hit of the afternoon. I had a great time visiting with my former students and reminsing about old times. I needed to laugh like that.
Jessica (the bride to be) , Myself, and Hunter.
My big boy with a stuffed animal he got from one of my students.
As I type, there are 8 days until my Break begins!!!!! December 19th can't come soon enough. I am looking forward to the holidays. But first, I have to get through semester tests and Christmas parties.................... arggggghghhhhhhh.