Monday, December 24, 2007

Tis the Season......

I am not really sure what to write about, but felt the need to sit here and type. I am thinking Anne and I are taking up the slack for Kathy, who manages to update every month or so : )
Anne updates a whole lot more than I do, that's for sure.
The weekend, including today, has been relaxing to say the least. I am enjoying my break and some extra time with Jerry. It feels weird to sleep in on a Monday, and that today is Christmas Eve................. wow how time flies !!!
I have mentioned it before, but I am amazed at how different my life is from a year ago. I was in the beginnings of dealing with life in the real world, after two months in treatment. I thought I had it made then, but I was wrong as I look back now. Now I am able to stand on my own two feet, say what I feel, and am honestly Happy with me, for me...............and no one else. That is a blessing, a blessing that I actually wanted to decorate a Christmas tree and think about gifts for everyone. I am thankful for those blessings and so much more. Christmas isn't about the gifts, but for me, it is being with my family and watching the excitement in the kids eyes as they open presents and interact with each other. That is the real blessing for me. To truthfully be able to enjoy those moments !!!!
Please pray for my continued recovery and for my family, Anne in particular. That darn Mono bug has kicked her butt once again and it couldn't have shown up at a more inopportune time. Knowing Anne, she will not let it get her down OR she will drive us all nuts!!!!!! It doesn't matter, she's my Anne and I Love her no matter what !!!!!

Merry Christmas to all !!!!

Carol and Maddi