Monday, December 17, 2007

Ice Skating and Birthdays........

Skating in a Winter Wonderland....................... Okay, so it was slightly rainy but there was a cool breeze whipping thru the tent down at Market Square. Jerry, the girls and I met an old friend of his and her family for an afternoon of Ice Skating on Saturday. The girls had never been and it has been while since Jerry or I had been. After lugging 2 children around the ice all day, we finally felt the effects yesterday in the form of sore legs and arms. Olivia and Chloe did a great job for their first time and I am sure they are still talking about it today. Enjoy the pictures..... they say 1000 words.....................

Me and Ashton trying to keep Olivia upright.

Me probably telling Olivia which direction we are supposed to skate..... still in teacher mode, even on the weekend.

I loveeeee this picture of Jerry and Chloe !!!! Priceless !!!!

Am I trying to fall or keep my balance????
A typical Olivia face....................
Sunday, we went to Kathy's house to celebrate Joshua and Kamry's Birthdays.......... good eats, good treats, and a house full of people. We had a great time!!! Olivia and Chloe hit it off with the other kids and we stayed for 5 hours, letting the kids play and wear themselves out!!

Jerry and Chloe "cheesing" for me......
Mom and Georgene yacking and cleaning up .......
Angel....... the KG Godfather........ she is a mess. But Olivia and Chloe loved playing with her. Don't let the look on Olivia's face fool you. Angel was talking a mile a minute!!!
Wishing they would blow out the candles already so we could eat cake !!!
The birthday cakes were the 2nd things Kathy had caught on fire ....... a small grease fire earlier filled the house with a small amount of smoke. But thanks to Joseph and the fact that he paid attention in HomeEC, the fire was put out with salt.
Kamry reading her Novel from Grandma and Grandpa.
I do make Joshua clean his face. That acne problem has increased over the day.
MY HOOTIE........ look how precious that face is........
Again, we had a good weekend and I am worn out even today. Joshua and I have to go to school thru Weds, then we are on Christmas Break until January 7th. Yipee............ I have a few doctor appointments and social gatherings to attend, so that will keep me busy.
I am excited about the holidays this year................ I am the happiest I have been and am excited to be excited .................. Plus, I have Jerry and the girls to share the holidays with, along with my Family. I am sure there will be pics and stories in the weeks to come.....................
Until then, Have a Merry Christmas..........enjoy your families.......... and remember what the Christmas Season is really about!!!!!
Love and Mistletoe..........................


Anne said...

Nothing says awkward like ice skating. I wouldn't use those pics to showcase your grace. You look incredibly unsure of what you are doing. Stick to four wheel skates, sister!

Is it time for cake yet?