Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Busy Little Bee

For someone who thought her life would be boring and less chaotic once school got out, I have been very busy. Since school got out, I have managed to find activities (or the activities have found me) to fill my afternoons. I thought I would have oodles of free time since I am no longer the cheerleading coach. WRONG....... in a good way of course.

Memorial Day weekend started out with an impromptu trip to the nail salon and lunch with Anne. That evening, I was so excited to be going out.....yes out with a friend whom I am blessed to have reconnected with after a few months. From the moment Kelly and I met, we clicked. She and I think the exact same way and feed off of each other. We had an absolute blast hanging out and talking and being goofy as possible. I literally felt life come back into my heart. We ended up going to dinner on Monday night, going out this past Saturday night with another friend of ours and have plans this Saturday. More than anything, I am thrilled to have plans and things to do. My life has been so humdrum, especially on the weekends. I am welcoming the weekend get togethers with arms stretched wide.

I began teaching summer school on Thursday. I am there from 8 to 12, the kids use a program on the computer, and yes, I get bored. I am glad to offer it to the students and let's get real, it's extra income. Contrary to what my students think, I do not make the big bucks teaching.

I have spent my afternoons running errands, going to therapy, joining Anne for doctor appointments, visiting a former cheerleader in the hospital, driving with Anne to KY to get Mom and take her to the Nashville Airport (long story), shopping, and yesterday, car shopping!!! (I will definitely post when I get something)

Anne is not working this summer so that she can fully recover from her bout of mono. I am looking forward to being able to do more things with her and the kids. She has joined a fitness club and is going to bulk up and kick all our butts.

That is where I am at right now.....busy, busy, and lovin life.