Saturday, January 17, 2009

Patience is a virtue

Patience has NEVER been a strong suite of mine....... NEVER!!! As far back as I can remember, I have always wanted things done "yesterday". I have gotten slightly better, but just a hair. Having a child does that to you I hear.

Apparently my patience has paid off................ After struggling with the idea that I was going to have to come up with X amount of dollars for a deductible to get my car out (which by the way is back at the shop due to a messed up compressor) , I was told it had been waived!!! Relief and stress left my shoulders.

Same concept with the rental company............ the guy called my insurance and got them to cover $9 more a day towards my rental, saving me money. A little more stress was lifted.

And finally, State Farm called to see how things were going and asked a few questions. They also told me that the owner of the car (not the chick that was driving it) did not have insurance as well. I was stunned to realize that there are people that drive without insurance or a valid drivers license. Because "it will never happen to me"............ um, whooopes...... they are in for it now. State Farm will go after them and attempt to get the funds they are owed. Meanwhile, I was offered a small settlement and gladly accepted.

My point to sharing all this is that I was actually patient for once in my life and let others do the work for me. It paid off. I feel better knowing that this fiasco of a wreck is almost over. I hope that girl has learned a lesson, unfortunately, she learned it the hard way.

On a colder note, it has hit very cold temperatures here and not thinking ahead........... I didn't leave water trickling and now have frozen pipes in the kitchen and my bathroom. I am anxiously awaiting the temperature to get above freezing today so that the water will flow oh so nicely.

Good thing about the severe cold............. I got 2 "snow days". Two days with Hunter. yipeeeeeee. Here is a pic of him "watching t.v." like his Daddy.

Stay warm and thawed..............


Anne said...

way cute background!
Turn on those faucets, sally!

As the song goes..."Our God is an Awesome God". Kudos for the patience...God knew the whole time how this would work out. Just goes to show that stressing and worrying doesn't change His plans for us.

Love you tater tot,