Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hey...Wait!! Is that Jon and Kate???

Why yes it is...................... Thanks to Kathy and her internet surfing abilities, she found out that Jon and Kate Gosselin ("Jon and Kate + 8") were going to be speaking at a local church. She snagged us seats for the 6:30 session last nite!! Before attending the much awaited speaking engagement, we met at O'Chucks for an early dinner. It has been a while since Mom and her 3 grown daughters have been out in public. I enjoyed the time with them...... cutting up with each other and laughing.
Of course when we get to the church, we immediately find the best us "front row joe's"......... we tested my camera skills, asking the lady next to us to take our picture.
Anxiously awaiting the arrival of our heroes......... Jon and Kate

Jon and Kate's story was amazing !! I got much more out of it than I thought I would. They talked about things not shown on the show. They also spoke of how God deserves all the glory they recieve each day......... what we all get each day. Nothing is possible without God and He has a plan for us ........ even when we don't realize it. I have realized that lately. When God sent me through the trial of battling an eating disorder (which is still a daily struggle), He knew what would happen and what and who was waiting for me around the corner................. I couldn't see it then. I wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to trust in Him. I feel like I can do that now. Trust in God and live each day of my life to the fullest. We are not guarenteed a tomorrow.....................
Mom telling Jon about Daddy wanting to hug Aiden (the professor). Sorry Jon's eyes are closed. You can't get a decent photographer these days !!!
Today I am walking in the Buddy's Race Against Cancer. The last 2 years I have walked in Honor Mr. Hoskins. Today I will walk in Memory of him ......... As I walk, he will be with me, in my heart and in my memories.
Here we are ............... fired up and ready to walk!!!
The Walking Pea...........