Thursday, October 4, 2007

Is it Fall Break Yet?????

As I sit here to update, there is so much to say, yet I am at a loss for words. It seems as if the last 2 weeks have flown by...................... in a good way.

Jerry and I are still seeing each other and are very happy. After not seeing or talking to each other for an entire weekend, we realized we really missed each other and that there is something more there....... they call it Love !! We spent most of last weekend together, yes, 4 wheeling here in scenic Roane County. Friday (the 28th) started with him coming over about 15 minutes after Joshua and I got home from school. Joshua finally got to meet the mystery man in his Aunt Carol's life. I think they hit it off and now Joshua can put a real person with the name. Jerry also went with me to take Joshua to Kathy. Saturday we went riding and exploring all day.
One of many overlooks we were able to get to.

Another overlook.............................
We had no clue where we were going but I learned that I want a GPS. That little gadget is too stinkin cool. With it, we were able to make it back to the truck.
Sunday we also went riding.
This is the first overlook we stopped at on Sunday.
The view from this overlook was absolutely unreal.
This time we ended up by I-40 and about 3 hours away from the truck.
We ended up calling my friend Crystal (she was glad to finally met him too)and her husband Zac to come get us and take us back to the truck so that we wouldn't have to back track and waste time.
Jerry posing at the Power lines .....................
I needed to go see Anne at the hospital (see the link for her blog) and needed to get ready. We got back home about 2, he left, and I got ready and went and saw Anne. Our plan was to meet back up that evening since I would be near his house. When I called him, he said he had gotten the girls for a little bit and they were at the park. He invited me to the park so that I could meet them !!!!! I was not prepared for that. I have mentioned that it would be a big step and it took me off guard. Thank goodness Anne and Steven were around to calm me down. The park and meeting the girls went great. Olivia is 5 and Chloe is 3 1/2. We had a good time and played until almost dark, when Jerry left to take them back to their mom. I waited on him to do that and then followed him to his house and ate dinner. I had a great weekend and am so blessed to have a man in my life who loves me for who I am....... the real me!!

Joshua is having his moments. He is testing me and I am attempting to handle those moments the best I can. He started basketball practice this week and it has managed to wear him out!! Looks like I am going to start getting Really busy!!!

Next week is our Fall Break. I have doctors appointments and Joshua has ball practice. We will be busy and relaxing at the same time. As long as I am not in school for a week, I don't care what I do. I might break out the cleaning supplies and clean this house............ or not.

Life is good, Joshua is good, Maddi is good, and I am good............... and I can't wait for next week and Fall Break !!!!!
Splashing through the puddles............................. until next time.