Saturday, April 21, 2007

Trips and the 4-Legged Toddler

I know it has been a while since my last post, but I have been super busy with TCAPS and preparing for the much anticipated 8th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C.!!!!!!!!!!

We leave at 6:00 tomorrow morning and will be back at midnite on the 26th. I am excited, nervous, and anxious. I have been the one planning the trip with the help of Ms. Kim. Kim has been training me to take over the annual trip. I have learned so much and am grateful she has chosen me to be here "OCD" twin. She and I are very much alike. I pay (way too much sometimes) close attention to details and presentation. I have a lot on my plate, so to speak, and I guess that is why I am nervous. Stress and anxiety tend to affect me in negative ways. I have packed all the necessary medications for the trip, including the lovely nerve pills that the doctor prescribed me.
On a sad note (for both of us), My Bestest Friend, Yvette, will not be going on the trip. She is having some health issues and the doctor told her Wednesday that she couldn't go with us. Needless to say, this tidbit of information led to a teeny, tiney, come-apart!!!!! I am worried about her and was disappointed that we are not going to be able to spend our much needed chick time together. I needed that come-apart to relieve the stress I have been under and knew it was coming. I had great support during those moments.
Maddi and I at the vet.....
Waiting for the Vet.......
Maddi with the Vet Tech.........
Maddi is growing by leaps and bounds. She went to the vet last week and weighed in at 20. 5 lbs. A gain of 5.1 from the 3 weeks before. Of course, she is still fiesty as ever!! I knew it would be a matter of time before she succeeded at jumping on my bed. She still struggles and usually has to get a running start to get up there. She sleeps on the bed with me, which is good and bad. Bad: when she wants to play or chew on me, barking b/c she needs to go potty (okay that is a good thing too), or deciding she would be more comfortable with her body laying across my face!!!!!!!Good: when she snuggles by my feet or wakes me up with "kisses" and taps from her paws. All in all, she is a lean, mean, chewing machine. If she can grab it with her mouth in the blink of an eye, it's hers and I have to chase her down to claim the item. Maddi's chew toys have included; items from the dryer, as well as her new discovery of remote controls. Yes, she does have a collection of pre-approved toys scattered all over my house. I feel like I have a toddler in the house, stepping over toys and picking up after her.
Maddi will be spending this next week with her Grandma and Grandpa. I know her Grandpa will probably rough-house with her. She will enjoy that and I hope that they enjoy her being there. I will definitely miss my Maddi-girl.
I have a day of visiting with my sister Kathy and 2 of her Wonders, mowing the lawn, finishing packing, taking Maddi to her grandparents, and packing up the car.
My wake-up time of 3:00 AM will come soon enough!!!!
Pray for our safe trip and Take Care :)